Monday, September 19, 2005

Subscribe to my blog's XML feed

I am getting my technical mojo flowing and I've set up a site feed for my blog. You can subscribe to the feed using a free newsreader such as My Yahoo. The site feed URL for my blog is

I think this tecnology is the wave of the future, and I'm putting energy into mastering the basics. News readers allow you to create a customized web-based news page. Imagine looking at a newspaper where you could subscribe to columns and articles that reflect your personalized interests. A news reader such as My Yahoo allows you to get updated blog postings and podcasts you subscribe to automatically delivered to your customized page.

Next step is to learn how to edit my blog template to display my site feed info as a link in the blog sidebar. So far it seems to involve editing raw HTML, which is just beyond the reach of what I'm comfortable messing around with on my own. But stay tuned....


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