Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Check out Linda Criddle's 12 Things You Can Do Today to Be Safer Online

I haven't seen today's Oprah episode about internet crimes's recording on my TiVO right now. I am concerned about the tone of the show because it looks pretty sensational. I'll write more about that later, but I am very happy to report that is featuring my friend (and most recent Mojo Mom Podcast guest) Linda Criddle's 12 Things You Can Do Today to Be Safer Online.

Linda's the real deal, a mother of four herself, an experienced former Microsoft executive, and an expert who has worked with law enforcement to look into the dark side of internet crime, so that we don't have to. Her information is consistently excellent, and her goal is to empower us to use the internet as the great resource it is, while being smart and safe about how we browse, and aware of what information we share about ourselves online. Linda's website is

Linda was in town recently for a conference, and we had dinner together to celebrate the release of her new book, a new addition to the Dummies series, Using the Internet Safely for Seniors, for Dummies, and the new Mojo Mom. Somehow, all roads lead through Chapel Hill sooner or later.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fascinating how there is a double standard where bloggers are free to post everything (images, personal information) about their kids using their real names on the internet but at the same time we tell kids never to do the same.

7:56 AM  
Blogger MojoMom said...

That's a very provocative point--but I would say there really should not be a double standard. Adults should think very carefully about the information they are sharing online. Almost all of us overshare, but being a Mom-blogger and writing about one's kids has a high level of responsibility and inherent contradiction. There are safety concerns and important questions about our children's privacy. In the past Moms might have written in a diary, but now it's all archived online. What will happen 10 years from now when kids get bullied in seventh grade based on some embarrassing story their Mom blogged about when they were two? I am concerned about that. We need to remember that blogging is a public sharing of our private thoughts.

Right now I am reading Leslie Morgan Steiner's book Crazy Love which is a wrenchingly honest look inside her first marriage, which was intense, passionate, and intensely abusive.

In this case I applaud Leslie as she pulls back the veil of secrecy, because her story illuminates the dynamics of abuse in a way that could help another abused person cut through denial, recognize what is going on, and perhaps get help. This is powerful truth-telling with a life-altering purpose. It's scary and revealing--and Leslie has said it's easier to tell the story because she did not have children with her ex-husband.

So while I am all for blogging, and Mom-blogging, I would hate for our daily reminiscences that we put out without much thought come back to bit our kids years later, when "Look, it's Captain Poopy-Pants" won't be funny any more.

Looks like I have a lot to say on this, maybe I'll write a full post later.

8:17 AM  

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