Friday, August 15, 2008

Mojo Mom Podcast: Equally Shared Parenting

There is some positive mojo flowing today, and not a moment too soon--just in time for our last weekend of summer "vacation."

Did you hear that Utah is experimenting with switching state employees to four-day, ten-hour per day workweek in order to save money?

Many workers seem to like the change that makes every weekend a three-day weekend. My first reaction was, hmmmmm, how interesting that parents (and others) who want a 4-day schedule are often denied because employers think it would be too much of a hassle to allow people to change schedules, and yet the state of Utah has switched over 17,000 people.

Makes me think that we should keep making a business case for alternative work arrangements. Don't make it a personal favor; show your boss how it can save the company money. And it would be wonderful if bosses would meet us halfway with workplace flexibility by taking a "Let's see if we can make it work" approach rather than "Absolutely not."

Here is one of my brainstorms: telecommuting saves costs of gas, utilities, and rented space if it's done systematically. It could even help businesses stay open during a major flu outbreak or natural disaster. Why not get some experience with flexibility before a crisis hits?

So I was thinking about this and then I went to the Equally Shared Parenting website and saw that Marc Vachon had blogged on a similar program in Alabama as an opportunity for equally shared parenting (ESP).

Marc and Amy Vachon are my guests on today's new episode of The Mojo Mom Podcast, so it really felt like synchronicity.

My co-host Sheryl and I were really under the gun this week, so I honestly didn't feel like this was our best first-half segment ever, but Amy and Marc's interview was a winner, so I hope you'll listen in:

Mojo Mom and Equally Shared Parenting

Listen to the podcast now:

Amy and Sheryl debrief their summers and look ahead to a hectic school year that starts very soon.

Then Amy talks to founders Amy and Marc Vachon. Mojo Mom had some questions about how shared parenting works in practice. Who better to answer than the Vachons, who practice ESP and write about it. Their family was even featured in Lisa Belkin's June 2008 New York Times piece, "When Mom and Dad Share It All."

Amy Vachon is a regular reader of the Mojo Mom blog, and I love that when I expressed some doubts about ESP in my recent podcast with Julie Shields, Amy jumped right in with a comment that led to this week's interview.

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Blogger aztec-rose said...

Hi MojoMom. I am fascinated by your book, and the importance of nurturing for moms. I was also very interested in the latest podcast with Marc and Amy. I recently sent a Real Life Story to thier website (see Judy and Gerry). I have set up a blog in Australia (where we live) called WoLFi TaLEs - it looks at work life family balance or interconnectivity. It's part of my PhD project but also my passion!( strange or synchronistic thing is, that Gerry and I and our 5 yr old daughter are going to be in Durham, North Carolina for the first 2 weeks of September 2008visiting Gerry's siter. Contact me via my blog contact if you want to organise a podsession or just chat. I believe we may have overlapping intersts. cheers from Down Under.

7:44 AM  
Blogger MojoMom said...

Hi Aztec-Rose

Email me at and we can talk off the blog. Have a great trip to the U. S. and maybe we can meet!

9:08 AM  

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