Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Upcoming on The Mojo Mom Podcast

Big things in are store this month in the land of Mojo Mom. I've been arranging the spring schedule of the Mojo Mom Podcast, and if you haven't gotten into podcasts yet, I'm hoping you'll take the time to learn about this new technology.

You don't need to an iPod to enjoy podcasts. The fact that you are reading this blog posting means that you probably have all the technology you need to listen to a podcast, which you can think of as a radio show that is broadcast over the internet instead of the airwaves. I've found that having my own customized audio programming to take with me as I drive, walk the dog, or do household chores really enhances my quality of life. There are thousands of programs available for download at iTunes (for free), from (for a fee), and from individual websites. To access a podcast, you can either

1.) listen to a podcast while sitting at your computer

2.) download it using iTunes or a similar program and burn a CD to take with you, or

3.) download the show onto an MP3 player such as an iPod.

If you have any teenagers in your life, they can almost certainly help you with this. You might offer your babysitter a tip to show you how to do it if you don't live with any teens. I hope to expand with a podcast FAQ later this winter.

February's guests on The Mojo Mom Podcast

In January The Mojo Mom Podcast featured guests including Mommy Guilt authors Aviva Pflock and Devra Renner, and professional organizer "Neat Freak" Peri Kersh.

Coming up in February we'll have talks with authors Stacy Debroff, The Mom Book Goes to School ; Miriam Peskowitz, The Truth Behind the Mommy Wars ; and Judith Stadtman Tucker, founder of The Mothers Movement Online. Other special guests are in the works along with scintillating and honest conversation with my intrepid co-host and partner-in-crime, Sheryl Grant.

You can listen to the Mojo Mom Podcast through, or download the show free from the iTunes Podcast Directory and other podcast aggregator sites.

Mojo Mom may be coming to your town

I am planning speaking engagements for the spring. I am planning events in cities across the country including San Francisco, Denver and Boulder, Chicago, Atlanta, Baltimore, Washington DC, and Boston (as well as a trip to Tokyo in the end of June!). If you'd like to recommend an independent bookstore to visit, or invite me to speak to a Mothers & More chapter or other group of Moms, please send me an email at I am looking to speak to groups of at least 25 people, ideally in settings that are open to the public. Mothers and More Chapters have invited me and advertised the talks widely to attract new members, for instance.

Thanks for your continued support!


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