Sunday, January 16, 2005

"Is this the job for me?"

I've been thinking a lot about how stay-at-home Moms can stay prepared to re-enter the workforce. If a job opportunity comes up, how do we know whether to take it? It helps a lot to think about this ahead of time.

Each of us needs to develop a strategy that helps us plan beyond our stay-at-home years. Think about two things: "What job could I apply for right now if I suddenly needed to earn an income?" and "What is my dream job several years down the road?" Keep your qualifications current to help you land the emergency job as necessary, and start finding incremental ways to move toward your dream job (through classes, volunteering, or networking).

I know we're all busy at home, but the "stay at home" years can be a great time for exploration, or even a chance to start a degree program part time. Almost all of us will rejoin the workforce sooner or later, and we'll have much better options awaiting us if we plan ahead!


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