Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Sprinting Past the Marathon Finish Line

Mother's Day marked two solid years of work on promoting Mojo Mom. It feels like I've been knocking on everybody's door for a long time, and was a great feeling to get the call from The Today Show. This has been an intense and rewarding trip and it feels like I sprinted past the marathon finish line...

...and then collapsed. Returning home from New York, I found myself totally depleted, in-bed-before-9 pm exhausted. I've felt like a puddle of sludge since Saturday. I am still managing the three-ring circus of the second shift but I have let the first shift slide for a couple of days. I realized today how amped up I have been, and a little quick on the temper and impatience. Just dropping work for a day or two isn't enough. I really need to find a way to chill out. Maybe it's time to sign up again for the stress-reduction class I dropped out of a couple of years ago.

There was so much to juggle before I could head out the door to New York. Not just travel arrangements, but household tasks that couldn't wait, such as housepainters coming, and the refrigerator and air conditioner breaking down at the same time. When I got home I found that my daughter had tangled with poison ivy and had an itchy rash on her face, close to her eyes, so Monday we were in to the pediatrician for a prescription.

More than ever, I have really appreciated my flexible work schedule and the fact that I can usually make the pieces fit, even if it's an awkward and wobbly puzzle I assemble on some days. My hat is off to those women who do far more work with less flexbility, resources and backup. Weeks like this, I don't even know how I do it.

So there is a complete lack of trenchant social commentary, burning ideas, or flashes of insight pouring out of my brain today. Just one tired Mom admitting that there are days that I lose my mojo, too.


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